Thursday, September 17, 2009

liFe aS A CiViL EnGinEEr


arini nak share sket psl my career..
back 2 my old times,time primary skool,kitorg kene tulis dlm kad biru besau A4 tu,3 cite2..
yg bese aku tulis is cikgu,dokter,polis...wakaka
padahal au xde cite2....kecik2 lg aku dh pk aku nak 'go with the flow'

so bile abis pmr,result pon ok,so aku isi borg skola teknik...aku mtk electrcl eng n civil eng..
masuk form 4,dpt offer civil eng kt skola teknik bentong....aku gi je la (2 pon lps solat istikharah 3x)

walaupn aku xtau lgsg ape fungsi engineer esp civil eng nih,aku bedal je...
kt skola tu,aku rase jiwe aku xseswai sgt dgn civil,trutamenye subjek kej. awam tu sendri..
tp aku suke math n add math...(pelik bukan?)

as the result,spm aku trok,1A (ape lg klu bukan subjek math),yg lain cukup mkn je...
aku frust sgt,tp still bkobar2 nk smbg blaja(cz target aku mmg nk sampe degree)
masuk poli s.alam wt sijil,then poli ipoh wat diploma,then smbg ke uitm s.alam wat degree

wpun pjlnn aku blaja tu dr bwh,tp aku glad cz cpt je aku dpt smbg from 1 step 2 another..
smggu pas abis exam terakhir di uitm,aku dpt ofer keje kt sini (interview ptame n terakhir) haha...

stakat ni,ok keje cni,aku design,draft,liaise dgn authority, prepare report...all by myself..
wpun pnt,tp puas ati dgn experience yg aku dpt,compared to keje gov,aku rs aku xkn dpt exprience cmni..

pjg plak menulis...k la...see ya next time..
slmt ari raye aidilfitri...maaf zhr dan batin..



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